Anarky V3 is more complex than it seems

After the release of Anarky V2 we received a lot of feedback from the few people (many bugs prevented other players from playing) who were able to play our virtual world.

Thanks to all this feedback we decided to make some graphical changes to improve accessibility, improve performance on low-end devices and continue polishing the game to achieve a unique graphical style.

Anarky is in Alpha stage which means it is still subject to many changes. So far we have used graphics extracted from some public asset libraries to be able to make quick prototypes of game mechanics.

We are now creating our own textures, models and other assets. For that reason it has taken us longer than expected to complete this cycle with the V3 update.

Adding to all this hard work finding a unique graphical style we are also working on a weather system. So far one of the most complex things we have developed.

You see, making rain particles is easy but colliding these particles with constantly changing geometry is not easy at all, especially when you take into account that this whole system must have a very low performance cost. Nobody wants a slow game because of rain and nobody wants rain coming through the roof of their house.

Anarky’s climate system is also complex because it changes depending on the temperature. If it is cold, it does not rain, but snows. It can also be a cloudy day without rain or a sunny day with heat.


All of this affects the growth of plants, the humidity of the earth and in the future it will affect other systems within our world.

All of this explains why we are taking so long to release this new update, now Anarky will be more organic and many elements will behave independently of the player, our main goal is to make our world a simulation full of random elements that make everything feel more organic.

We hope to finish 80% of the work this week and release version 3 of Anarky a few days later.

If you read this article until the end, thank you very much and thank you very much to the people who have tested the V2 version of the game so far.